Milford Mall under Construction
Please note: Things change so fast in Connecticut that this information may no longer be accurate.
Milford Mall is called the Westfield Mall, but everyone calls it the Connecticut Post Mall.
It is now under some heavy duty construction.
We don't go shopping here very often, usually just for special items.
But our favorite thing to do is to get the Japanese Teriyaki Chicken in the Food Court. That stuff is soooo good.
But with all this construction going on, the last time I went to the Mall I couldn't even find a parking space, so I had to leave. I wish they would hurry up and get it done.
It looks like they are adding on, and building a covered parking area. The parking garage in the front is done.
Milford Mall Directory
See the new Milford Mall Directory
See huge map of the Lower Level or Upper Level or the Food
Milford Mall Maps
Stores at the Milford Mall
Mall Jewelers
Clothing Stores
Court Restaurants
Toddlers Playtown