Hooter's Restaurant
Boston Post Road Milford CT
When Hooter's restaurant came to Milford, it caused quite a stir in the neighborhoods, here's a picture.
We haven't ever eaten here, but in case you are interested, here it is.
I think everybody knows where Hooters is though. They serve mainly sandwiches, wings, etc.
There's a Motorcycle Meet at Hooters the first and third Friday of every month.The meet starts at 6 pm.
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Hooters Restaurant - 990 Boston Post Rd Milford, CT 06460 (203) 878-6651
Directions: Hooters Restaurant is located on Boston Post Road. Exit 39a off Interstate 95, turn south at the end of the exit. Stay in your right lane. You'll go past the Super 8 Motel and Hooter's is on the next block on the right.